When the Emerald Tokyo Anime Club started back in 2000, Emerald Elmwood was the original mascot. Chrissy from the comics ending up replacing her as the mascot for awhile, because she was more fleshed out as a character. Now that Emerald Angel Comics and Emerald Tokyo Anime Club may branch off from each other, we decided to bring back Emerald Elmwood with a redesign.
The original design was really flat and she didn't have much personality. She was just another random anime girl with big eyes. A total Mary Sue. No wonder the club members didn't like her.
The new mascot sports the same green hair, of course, but it's trimmed down to a cute little bob. She's got purple eyes and a whole lot more personality. She even has a cute pet bunny named Trixie.
We hope you really like the new re-design of the old Mascot. Chrissy will still hang around to help represent Emerald Tokyo Anime Club as well. So, she's not being thrown out the door .... yet. :-p